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More on Working from Home, Milestones in Science and History

By Heather Idoni

Added Monday, February 14, 2011
Vol. 12 No. 11, February 14, 2011, ISSN: 1536-2035
© 2011, Heather Idoni - www.FamilyClassroom.net

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Timelines at LearningThroughHistory.com

History Timelines are a terrific way to illustrate history to children so that they can easily grasp the sequencing of historical events and develop a better understanding of the relationship of time throughout the history of civilization. We recommend the use of timelines for all students, regardless of your educational philosophy or methods.

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Browse our timeline selections here: Learning Through History Timelines



Notes from Heather
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Notes from Heather

Reader Feedback - Answers for Renee about Working from Home


"Hi, Heather -- I missed the reader's question from last time, but I have an answer for her.

"What legitimate at-home businesses (online) are there for homeschoolers that perhaps you have participated in? I know there are surveys that you can take -- but most of the time I don't qualify for them. If you do you are given incentives like gift cards or such. What options are there out there for those of us who homeschool but also want to contribute to the family income?" -- Renee

She could be a virtual assistant. It basically means she do editing jobs or any other skills she has via computer (Excell, spreadsheets, even research or booking travel, etc.).   The one spot most people go to is the International Virtual Assistants Association to find some one.  There is a minimal charge to be part of the association, but typically, with one job, it pays for itself. I believe it's $137 per year, but if you charge $25-$50 per hour, it will be recovered quickly. Good Luck!" -- Melody M.


"Sorry I was late replying to this.  I did have a legitimate work from home job that was largely online, but it started as a job in an office.  I was working for a non-profit community organization, and as I had children, I cut my hours.  At the end I was working about 10 hours a week in the office, on the computer, writing grants.  Then my husband graduated and got a job in another state.  At that point I asked the director if I could continue to work for them, from my home, in another state.  They were happy to let me do that, and I worked for them for another two years. 
If you have recently been working, and left on good terms, ask if there is something that you could do for them from home.  It can't hurt to ask, and if they know already that you are a hard worker, they may be able to accommodate you.  If you haven't been working for a while, you could go and ask local businesses or non-profits if there is something that you could do from home for them.  But don't be too upset if they say that they do not have anything, as it may be a real long shot and they probably have people wanting to come in and work for the same job. 
As suggested, you may need to look at your own skills and see what you can do. Perhaps if you are good at sewing you could do mending or easy alterations. Maybe you could walk dogs (or clean up after dogs in people's yards).  Perhaps watching kids after school would be a good fit -- you could get your school work done before they come.  I have known people who made money baking cookies and selling them weekly to offices.  If you are a decent cook you may be able to go into people's homes and make meals for the month for them.  If you are the outside type, see about doing weeding or lawn care.  There are certainly many more things that you can do from home -- do be sure to check into the local laws to see if you need permits or anything.  I suspect that this would be a better way to try to make a few extra dollars than most anything that you would find online, which may tend to be either annoying to people (spam) or outright illegal." -- Cheryl 


"I must have missed Renee's question about working at home.  If you have writing, proofreading, or secretarial type skills, you can often find jobs by searching on Craig's list.  You do have to be careful and do some searching on Google to make sure these are legitimate companies, however.  I found one writing job that was promising, but they were being sued by many writers because they were not paying their contractors.  I got a job writing lesson plans through Craig's list. You can search all of Craig's list here: http://www.allofcraigs.com/ .  Search for freelance writing, editing, proofreading, virtual assistant--whatever fits the skills that you have.

Also sometimes homeschool companies list jobs on their emails or Facebook pages.  That is how I got my current job with a magazine -- through an email newsletter -- and also a job writing curriculum when Lesson Pathways was being created.  Good luck!" -- Liz


"Kim Komando has a section on her website specifically dedicated to legitimate ways to earn money working at home.  I'd suggest at least reading what she has to say.  Just enter 'working from home' into the search box on the website and the info should come up.  Go to:   http://www.komando.com." -- Heather in TN


Your feedback is always welcome! -- mailto:heather@familyclassroom.net

Helpful Tips

Milestones in Science and Engineering

"The kids (and Daddy) have been watching this series for hours this weekend:


They are 15- minute movies about all the cool science greats." -- Anna


Braille Craft Idea

"For anyone doing a study on Helen Keller or the blind -- you can use Elmer's glue or fabric paint to make upraised dots similiar to Braille.  It would be great for a lapbook or notebook project." -- Toni

Answer our NEW Question

Too Late to Change?

"Thank you for taking my question. Our family has homeschooled off and on for the past 14 years. Being unaware of any method of instruction other than a traditional classroom style, we purchased traditional curriculum and created a mini-classroom at home. After a few years in a rural one-room schoolhouse, our children have returned home to school. During their years in rural school I was introduced, via the internet, to a variety of new homeschooling styles. Learning about other methods of learning, which would fit our children and home situation much better than the traditional style, seemed like a miracle to me. After a couple of adjustment years back at home, our upper elementary aged child is eagerly embracing these new methods of learning. For our 14 and 17 year olds the adjustment has been quite rocky. As much as I know the alternative learning methods would bless these children especially, I am wondering if their training in traditional methods has been too deeply ingrained to change now. Should I continue to attempt adding new methods or am I merely beating my head against a wall too solidly built to tear down? Will adding new procedures create more stress than it relieves for the 11th grader? I would appreciate any advice or thoughts on this. Thank you SO much in advance." -- Becky


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Next - Virtual Science Fair, Science Buddies, Too Late to Change?
Previous - Stewardship Curriculum, Work-From-Home Ideas

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