Lapbooks, Minute Books, Olympic Fun!
Added by Heather Idoni
Monday, February 3, 2014
========================================================== Vol. 15 No. 3, February 3, 2014, ISSN: 1536-2035 ========================================================== (c) 2014, Mary Beth Akers and Heather Idoni ========================================================== Welcome to The Homeschooler's Notebook! If you enjoy our newsletter, please share it with a friend! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
An Intro to Lapbooks
In our last issue, we brought up the topic of lapbooking. I first discovered lapbooking through my favorite science
catalogue, Tobin's Lab, operated by Mike and Tammy Duby. I regret that Tobin's Lab is no longer in business, but am
delighted that the lapbooking seeds they planted have taken root and are thriving!
Homeschool Helper Online
Olympic Fun!
"How does your family conduct Bible time? What challenges have you
encountered, and how do you deal with those? What benefits have you
enjoyed from family Bible studies or family worship?"
"We have our Bible Time a couple of different ways. My husband reads a chapter of Proverbs aloud every morning after
breakfast. There are 31 Proverbs so it makes it easy to cover the entire (or most of it) in one month. We also read a Bible
story to the children each night before bed. We have a variety of different Bible story books that we have used over the
years. I think
Hurlbut's Story of the Bible is my favorite though
The Child's Story Bible by Vos was my favorite as a child. If you make the Bible a part of your routine every day and
have the Bible in a handy place, it will get read.
"We gather together each night before tucking the kids into bed. We sing a hymn , say a prayer and then read from the
scriptures. We generally just take turns, each child/parent reading 1-4 verses depending on their age and how late it is. My
husband generally decides who reads what unless he has meetings then I take over. When my oldest was young we would only
read a few verses, it took forever to get anywhere but it instilled the habit. Now we have kids aged 16-5 at home and
sometimes it gets a little long for the little ones but again it is the habit and the spirit that we are focused on. After
scriptures we tuck all of the kids into bed and hope that they stay there! ;-)" -- Sandy in Utah
"I am teaching my two girls, ages 5 and 13, at home right now. I have been receiving your e-mails for a while. Today I am
finally putting some of the info to use! I have my oldest daughter reading a book in the Bible and searching for sentences
that contain the word wisdom -- and then she copies them. It is hard to know how to start teaching them what is required by
law and at the same time teaching them what is required in life. So I thank you for your insight." -- Angela G.
"What are some of the ways you have used lapbooking or some other creative way of notebooking?"
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