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Star Trek School, Free Fractions CD, Linda's Used Books!

Added by Heather Idoni

Monday, July 23, 2012
Vol. 13 No. 12, July 23, 2012, ISSN: 1536-2035
(c) 2012, Heather Idoni - www.FamilyClassroom.net

Welcome to The Homeschooler's Notebook!

If you enjoy this newsletter, please recommend it to a friend! 

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And please visit our sponsors -- they make this publication possible! :-)



Grocery prices too high? Trying to ditch the drive-thru but too busy to plan dinner?

With the Busy Mom Menu from Menus4Moms, just... Print. Shop. Cook.

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  • Include well-planned dinner menus for 5 nights
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Your satisfaction is guaranteed.


Notes from Heather
-- Linda's Used Books
Winning Website
-- Milk and Cookies Blog
Helpful Tip
-- Free Fractions CD Offer
Reader Question
-- Sites for Third Graders?
Additional Notes
-- Newsletter Archives
-- Sponsorship Information
-- Reprint Information
-- Subscriber Information

Notes from Heather

Bargain Alert - Linda's Used Books!

For over 15 years I have kept a secret -- My good friend, Linda Riordan, has a wonderful online bookstore for all those great books you want to have in your home library. I've shopped at her site all these years for our home library... and the prices are so great I've been able to stock the shelves of my bookstore for local families to enjoy... and make a profit as well!

Many of the wonderful books Linda sells have been "rescued" from library sales. For instance, you can often get lovely hardcover Newbery award titles for a dollar or two! She also has loads of great children's biographies, historical fiction and picture books. There is something for everyone!

And I have even BIGGER NEWS for all my book-loving readers...

Over the next 30 days, Linda will be giving a 50% discount for our readers exclusively! Everything on the entire website is eligible for this special half-price discount.

When you email your order, be sure to tell her "Heather sent me" and you will get everything in your order discounted at 50% off Linda's already phenomenally low prices! You just pay actual media rate postage based on the weight of the box. No exclusions -- everything on her entire website is available at 50% off. No minimum order required either! :-)

Just go to: www.doubledouble.net/books.htm.


On a personal note...

Some of you may be wondering where your newsletters have been. Well, I've been wondering the same thing myself! It seems this summer has been busier than usual -- and definitely hotter. After my son's wedding (which was amazing!) I got inspired to focus on my health. Over approximately the past year and a half I have lost 40 pounds -- just by adjusting my eating habits. The weight loss has been a real blessing to me, but it leveled out right there. I still have quite a bit to go, so I started looking at my exercise habits. Really that means facing the fact that I have not exercised in years! With 40 pounds off my body I realized it should be easier to at least start walking more. So I'm exercising every day now and that is leaving me with less time for online work, including the newsletter. But... I'm going to make an effort to get back to my once-per-week or at least once every 2 week minimum, especially during the school year. I appreciate your understanding and patience with me!

Also -- thank you for supporting the newsletter by viewing our special sponsor mailings... it is so greatly appreciated. I understand that not every mailing will meet a need in your life, but your willingness to open and read the information directly blesses our family because it lets our sponsors know the emails are being opened and considered -- and that makes our readership more relevant to them.

Update: My husband's season of caring for his father almost full time has been relieved by another family member -- and as a result Jim has now been able to accept a full-time RN job with great benefits! :-) We are very grateful that the Lord has brought us through this challenging time... and thank you again to everyone who has prayed for us throughout the years.

-- Heather

PS... Send your reader questions again! We have run out! ;-)


Your feedback is always welcome! Just send your email to heather(at)familyclassroom.net.


Winning Website

The Milk and Cookies Blog!

This fantastic blog has fabulous ideas for homeschooling with STAR TREK and LEGOS! Check it out! :-)


Helpful Tip

www.mathfreebies.com/FreeSoftware.do - Free Fractions CD

"I have come across many homeschooled children who struggle with fractions and various operations involving fractions. If you have a child that can benefit from over 30 lessons that cover basic to advanced fractions operations, you may want to get this Fractions Software CD for FREE."

-- Yogi


Last Issue's Reader Question

"My son is getting a little older and in need of some educational websites. A lot of what we know about are for the younger crowd. He'd love some that would be more for 3rd grade or higher. If you have some you like please pass along the links. Thank you!"

-- a HomeschoolingBOYS.com group member


Our Answers

"My son likes Time4Learning.com and SpellingCity.com.

He is 11 yrs and has done them for several years." -- Lynette






-- Chastidy






-- TM


"My recommendations for a 3rd grader are (Note, some of these are applications):

* Minecraft
* ZygoteBody.com - The entire human body in 3d form, very educational
* TimezAttack from BigBrainz
* Kings Quest Series
* Monkey Island
* Mathletics
* Stack the States and Stack the Countries (iPOD)
* Rocket Math
* Exoplanet Explorer (Android)
* Solarsystem Explorer (Android)

I copied and pasted these links above from my blog.

-- GH



-- Ann


Ask YOUR Question

Do you have a question for our readers? Yours will be up NEXT! :-)

Send it to mailto:hn-questions@familyclassroom.net and we'll answer it in an upcoming issue!


Subscription Information

Here is the page where you can subscribe to our newsletter:


And here is our searchable archive:




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All contributed articles are printed with the author's prior consent. It is assumed that any questions, tips or replies to questions may be reprinted. [Occasionally your contribution may have to be edited for space.]

Feel free to send any contributions to mailto:HN-articles@familyclassroom.net or mailto:HN-ideas@familyclassroom.net.

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No part of this newsletter (except subscription information below) may be copied and/or displayed in digital format online (for instance, on a website or blog) without EXPRESS permission from the editor. Individuals may, however, forward the newsletter IN ITS ENTIRETY to friends or groups via email. For reprints in paper publications (homeschool support group newsletters, etc.) please direct your request to: mailto:Heather@FamilyClassroom.net


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