By Heather Idoni
Added Thursday, January 27, 2011
==========================================================Vol. 12 No. 7, January 27, 2011, ISSN: 1536-2035
© 2011, Heather Idoni - www.FamilyClassroom.net
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Feature Article
-- The Four Advantages
Winning Website
-- FaceCrooks.com
Helpful Tips
-- Advice for Jayne
Reader Question
-- Answers for Debbie
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Feedback for the Upper Level Homeschool Course
"As I was creating a new folder, saving the documents and scrolling through
for a quick look at the materials, my eyes welled up with tears. I have been so
overwhelmed and burdened about [my son's] High School stuff and just needed
someone to point the way. Someone who had already figured it out and all I
need to do is follow. Thank you so much for investing your time and talents
and making your 'Quest for Knowledge' available to the rest of us. I'm actually
excited about school again and I was toying with giving up and throwing them in
public [school], which is the last thing I want to do. Bless YOU!" -- Erin in AK
Click the link below for more info --
This course is HIGHLY recommended for homeschooling high school! :-)
Feature Article
The Four Homeschool High School Advantages
by Lee Binz
A few summers ago my two sons graduated together from homeschool high school. They were both invited to compete in an all day full-tuition scholarship competition at their first choice university. 108 students competed for those ten full-tuition scholarships, Two of the winners were homeschoolers. Both were mine. I found myself wondering, “How did that happen?” I believe we received scholarships because of four advantages: curriculum, SAT preparation, documentation, and character. These advantages are available to all families that homeschool through high school.
The Curriculum Advantage
Many homeschoolers have a very rigorous academic plan. It doesn’t matter if they choose to unschool, or if they follow a classical education model. Homeschoolers will succeed when they learn on purpose. They will succeed when they do the “next thing” – when they keep moving forward in their homeschool journey. They can invest their money and their time in their weaker areas, as well as their areas of strength.
Homeschoolers have the advantage with curriculum. We can make sure ours is tailor made to suit our students. We can make sure they are always challenged, but that they completely understand concepts before moving on. We can provide broad exposure to a variety of subjects. There is no quagmire or restrictive bureaucracy in your homeschool. There is no school board or teacher's union. With ultimate flexibility, we can make sure the curriculum will always fit our student. We can keep our curriculum challenging but not overwhelming in every subject all the time - or we can make a change.
The Testing Advantage
My sons had great SAT scores because we studied for the SAT test. I read that increased test scores meant increased scholarship money, so we studied two or three times a week. Each time we would do one section from the “10 Real SAT’s” book. It’s not a waste of time to study for the SAT. Students learn vocabulary, get a great math review, and learn essay writing skills. Halfway into his first quarter of college, my son said “I’m so glad you taught me how to write a quick essay! It really helped me on my midterm today!” Again with test scores, homeschoolers have the advantage. We can use SAT prep as part of our homeschool curriculum, and study it during school hours.
>The Comprehensive Records AdvantageWhen we applied for admission, I gave the colleges a lot of information. Many homeschoolers prefer to keep their educational information private. It’s okay for colleges to ask us for our information because it’s an exchange. We give them information about our homeschool, and they give us admission and possibly scholarships.
The minimum information they need is a transcript. I chose to provide more information than the minimum, and it really helped. For everything on our transcript, I wrote a course description, listed the books we used, and documented how I graded the class. Homeschoolers have the advantage regarding educational information. We control our homeschool records and we can determine exactly how much information we provide to colleges. Our comprehensive homeschool records were so successful and so many homeschool moms requested help creating similar records, that for the next three years I worked on developing the Comprehenive Record Solution.
The Character Advantage
Character is the fourth reason I believe we were given great scholarships. My sons were invited to participate in the scholarship competition at Seattle Pacific University. because of their comprehensive records and their SAT scores, but that’s not why they won.. I was nervous about them competing in something so intense, but the kids had fun. When the boys came home that day, they both said, “I don’t know if I won, but I had a great time! All the kids were so nice!”
Later I was told that the evaluators were looking for character. The students were observed when they walked between events. Were they friendly and kind to others? How did they interact with their peers? When character and socialization are evaluated, homeschoolers have the advantage. We can mold and shape the character of our children while they are at home with us, instead of allowing them to be conformed to their peers.
So how did that happen? How did both our children win full tuition scholarships? Simple; we homeschooled them through high school!
Copyright Lee Binz, 2010. Lee Binz, The HomeScholar, specializes in helping parents homeschool high school. Get Lee's 5 part mini-course, "The 5 Biggest Mistakes Parents Make Homeschooling High School." You can find her at http://www.TheHomeScholar.com.
Your feedback is always welcome! -- mailto:heather@familyclassroom.net
Winning Website
FaceCrooks.com -- http://www.facecrooks.com/safety-center/scam-watch
With our teens using Facebook more than ever these days, it is important to teach them to be on the alert for the rising amount of scams and links to 'bad neighborhoods' online. Bookmark this blog and keep your kids (and yourself!) aware of FB scams and computer viruses. Kids tend to click on everything; reading this blog may make them more scam savvy.
Note: Stick to this scam watch page. There is a tab for a "Wall of Shame", but this is an application open for anyone to post and it had some inappropriate 'conversation' there.
Helpful Tips
High School tips for Jayne -- and the rest of us! :-)
Jayne's question...
"I am new to homeschooling and my daughter is in 10th grade. I need information about this phase of homeschooling -- all of the sites that I read are about the younger grades. Help!" – Jayne
Our readers' replies...
"There are LOTS of websites with information about homeschooling high school, but the two I would recommend the most are HSLDA's High School helps (which is free, even to non-members) at http://www.hslda.org/highschool/ and Lee Binz, The Home Scholar at http://www.thehomescholar.com. Both of these sites contain ALOT of information and articles that cover just about everything you could need for homeschooling high school. Hope this helps!" -- Erica
"Hi! I, too, have a daughter this age and thought I'd weigh in with some thoughts as she's the fifth of our six and they've all been quite different. Quizzing our eldest daughter the other day (24 and very verbal, though I don't quiz her often...!) she says what she appreciated about homeschooling was TIME. She discovered gifts in writing and art that she had time to develop at home. Another son took off with computers, another with digital music; and another loved discussion (we're still wondering where that will lead!) My own experience here in B.C., Canada is that many homeschoolers get on a fast track with academics and lessons and a hundred other things at this age and maybe, just maybe, lose this open-ended time factor. So, if you would like just a little advice: Find something designed for homeschooling for the academics (we like Sonlight, but often stretch a year) and try to allow time (maybe, even, dare I say it, a wee bit of boredom) so her own interests begin to click in. This way in three years she may just have found her passion and, unlike so many of the rest of us, she might already know what she wants to pursue -- prayerfully, of course. Please know that you are not alone in this -- we keep finding people out there who are wanting to keep homeschooling into these later years. Keep putting the word out to get connected, but do try to figure out what you both are especially wanting before all our voices come tumbling in.
One last thought: These are not always easy sailing years and as a mom you are likely to end up finding much to pray about. Any struggles you face are not likely to be wholly about your parenting or your decision to homeschool. If you are a Christian, you will likely find these are the years when you begin to really see that God is ultimately in charge and He is truly trustworthy with our kids. We don't get to see every answer right away, but I am increasingly astonished by how often He has come through with what was needed and NOT by my agency. His ways are higher than ours and He has His own plans for our/His children that are beyond our imaginings, though, at times, we might wonder! (If you ever need encouraging, look back at Joseph's story from a parent's perspective: God had His hand all over that boy and, wow, did it look INTERESTING as far as a career path at times -- talk about detours and character formation!) All the best! " -- Eunice
"Hi, Jane! I’ve been homeschooling nearly nine years and my son is doing high school level work. Here are some of my favorite places for information:
http://www.donnayoung.org -- She has lots of great files for planning and record keeping. She also has some supplemental materials for certain high school publishers.
http://www.aiminghigherconsultants.com -- While she has for-profit consulting, her blog and e-newsletter are also full of information.
http://www.thehomescholar.com -- She also has for-profit services, but plenty of free information. Lee has some wonderful books available also.
http://www.upperlevelhomeschool.com -- The course is well worth the money!
http://www.theoldschoolhousestore.com/ -- Paul & Gena Suarez, publishers of 'The Old Schoolhouse' magazine, wrote this e-book and it’s great.
http://heartofthematteronline.com/category/reference-section/high-school -- A great blog with information. There’s also an e-book -- 'Focus on High School'.
http://www.everyday-education.com/whatyouknow/ -- Information on non-traditional routes through high school and college.
http://www.freewebs.com/brandenburgstudies/homeschoolinghelps.htm -- Brandenburg Studies has 'Successfully Homeschooling the High School Student'.
http://www.hslda.org/highschool -- HSLDA’s high school site.
http://www.cindydownes.com/thechecklist.php -- A great scope & sequence checklist to make sure you've covered all needed topics.
http://www.homeschooltracker.com – I use the 'Plus' version for planning and record keeping. This way I can make many different reports at the click of the mouse.
Yahoo Groups about HS'ing high school and prepping for college:
In addition, you should check with your local homeschool support groups. They most likely have online groups or e-lists for high school discussions as well as general support about using local public & private schools for classes (especially driver's ed) and local community colleges and universities. There are many more out there! It's easy to get bogged down by all the information! I've made a One Note file of all my resources, online class providers and schools, sample transcripts, etc. Enjoy these years and don't get overwhelmed by the thought of homeschooling or of doing so in high school!" -- Julie C. in Illinois
"We are getting ready to graduate our 7th high schooler -- a nd if I have learned anything, its these things:
1. Keep good records. These will prove invaluable when you get ready to do a transcript.
2. Plan out your studies from now through graduation. Find out what your state requires for number of credits for graduation, and then decide how much you believe is important for your child to complete. Then organize that into a schedule of when that subject will be studied, and how long you expect it to take.
3. Set a schedule for your child to do 'school'. This can be as flexible as you want it to be, b ut be sure she knows what you expect her to complete each day.
4. Don't forget about planning for college. If your child plans to attend college, write to them now and find out what requirements they have for admission. Then you can tailor her studies accordingly.
5. If college is in her future, don't forget to prepare for and take the SAT test. There is information on the internet, by state, as to when and where these tests are given. There are several good test prep books on the market to assist you and your student in preparing.
I hope this is helpful. I wish someone had told me this information when I was working with my first one in 1985!" -- Kay I. in Texas
Reader Question #2
"My now 14 year old son was repeating the sixth grade when I took him out of public school almost two years ago. He is very bright, but is somewhat lazy, lacks initiative, and has lost nearly all his self-confidence. He was diagnosed with ADHD early on, but takes no medication now, nor is his hyperactivity hard to control any longer. He does have trouble concentrating and staying on task, but these issues are not insurmountable in the home setting.
When he would ask for help in elementary school, he would be reminded that he had already been told once. As a result, he gave up on himself and his schoolwork. Since then we have made an attempt at homeschooling and have made some progress. I use the word 'attempt' because we have not really been hard at it. We sort of took the 'unschooling' approach at first, but we are using some purchased curriculum, and have touched on all required subjects.
Naturally, as you all know, so much is learned just from life! And from answering questions your children ask when you're at the grocery store, or in a museum, etc. My question, or concern really, is that we have been too lax and might be too far behind. He has to take a standardized test every three years here in Georgia, so it is not time for him to do that yet. Should I be concerned that we need to hit the books harder, especially since he will 'be in the ninth grade' next year? He is a year behind his peers according to public school, and I am not overly concerned with their labels, but I do know that there needs to be a point at which we say, 'Okay, we're in high school now'.
Am I making my concerns understood, or is this all just muddle? *smile* At what point do you 'know' you're doing enough, or if you need to do more? Being a typical 14 year old, he loves computers and playing video games. He has expressed an interest in going to Technical College one day to pursue his interest in computers and gaming." -- Debbie W. in Georgia
Our Readers' Responses
"Debbie -- if you are concerned with his 'level', you could do a standardized test yourself at home and see where he struggles. Family Learning Organization has the CAT and other tests available for a reasonable cost. Also, you could take a look at your state's curriculum framework and see what they expect him to have learned. This will give you some guidelines as to where you need to concentrate." -- Christine in MA
"You don't have to wait for the state to test your child. You can administer a standardized test or locate another homeschooling mom who will administer the test to your son. You alone will see the results and it will allow you to see where your son falls in the range of his peers. You can use the results to help you concentrate on the areas where he may need more help or if he scores really well, it will alleviate your fears. To be approved to administer the Iowa Test of Basic Skills or the Stanford, look at www.bjup.com (Bob Jones University Press) under testing and evalutations. Our state doesn't require any testing of any kind, but I administer the test to my children and others in our homeschool group annually so that we can see where our kids rank academically for our own information and for planning the next year." -- Tari in TX
"If you want to make sure you are doing 'enough' for your high schooler, you will want to find out what the graduation requirements are for your state (if your state has them for high schoolers), typical graduation requirements for the local public schools, or university entrance minimum requirements for your state universities. In our state we have to give four years of English, three sciences and a lab, two social sciences (including American history), two years of foreign language, and four years of math to be admitted to a state university. Usually the minimum requirements include fewer classes than most students take to graduate, but it gives you the core your son will need to pursue education after high school if he chooses to go to college or university. He may not want to go to college now, and you may not think he will, but ten years down the road it will be more difficult for him to decide to go to college (even late) if his high school transcript is missing important pieces. Once you know what he needs to have a solid foundation for high school, you can play with what type of work he will do to earn those credits. What language program you use, or math program, or type of science education he has will depend on what you think he will benefit from and you provide for him. You don't have to use the same books as anyone else; English 1, 2, 3 & 4 may be something you make up, or something you purchase. Either way, you will know if you are doing enough by making sure his transcript has the necessary ingredients. Other classes you put on his transcript can be an accumulation of real life learning, service or volunteer work, or skills he learns during the high school years (such as wood working or mechanical arts), or 'elective' type classes that document what he has learned on his own." -- Anne M.
"Debbie -- all the BEST to you as you homeschool. I have recently graduated my youngest, after 22 years of homeschooling my 3 kids K-12. I have lived in various parts of the world and the U.S. and have met homeschoolers of all styles. I have seen both sides of the issue -- full-core academics to unschooling. You have 2 years under your belt of establishing a relationship with your son, and it sounds as if he has done very well! At this point, I would encourage you to gently push your son towards more academics. You can go lightly at first, but your goal would be a full curriculum by the end of high school. He will gain much confidence to 'tackle' a book, and it will help him in every way. Much of knowledge is based on reading, so increasing those skills is highly important. While it is not necessary to master every subject, nor to memorize large portions of material, 'exposure' to all subject matters would be your goal. Since he is old enough, one of the goals here is for him to take responsibility for his time management and accomplishment of tasks. (video games are a reward for chapters accomplished, for example). Let the 'pressure' be on him, to a degree, and this will help his maturity. I think everyone will be happy and understand their place. Happy homeschooling! Keep up the good work." -- Lori in WI
"Debbie -- I don't have any answers really, but I was so happy to read your question because our family is in the same boat. I withdrew my daughter from public school last year when she had just finished 7th grade. At school she had a diagnosis of ADHD and Asperger's syndrome, but no diagnosis really fit and having one would have allowed her to have an IEP. She needed one of those because no one, including us at the time, had any idea how to make her produce work and keep up with her class. My child simply shut down at school -- and her self esteem plummeted. I decided to homeschool because I wanted to see the light come back into her eyes when she was learning. And the light has indeed come back! My daughter is no longer the awkward, angry, misfit she was in public school. She has new friends and many interests that intrigue her and a wonderfully witty sense of humor, now that she is relaxed enough to let it shine. If she even does have Asperger syndrome, she manages it very well and it is hardly noticeable to the people she meets. The problem is the ADHD traits are still there and we have had to move slowly through her curriculum, doing small chunks of work here and there, and taking frequent breaks. Would she be ready to place at ninth grade level by the end of the year? Academically, in most subjects, no -- especially in math, where she missed so many of the basics. And in the sense of being able to handle a definite workload, definitely not. The way I see it, though, my child is making an effort and is enjoying the learning process. That is a tremendous improvement from last year, and it shows me she is progressing, even if a standardized test tells me she is not where she 'should' be. Fortunately, being with a religiously-affiliated school, we are exempt from state mandated tests. But my question is similar to yours. Just how long can I keep my daughter in eighth grade before having to take on the more rigorous and regulated high school curriculum? She really needs more time to overcome the trauma of her public school years and to build her confidence and abilities. I would appreciate any advice or stories from other people who have had similar experiences." -- Tonya
[Editor's note: I will publish replies to Tonya in a new issue -- feel free to send in your encouragement and advice!]
"Debbie -- w e have similar situations with our daughter who has seizures. Sometimes things click and she remembers -- other times we have to teach all over again. Focusing is a major problem. Sometimes hands-on games or activities work better to keep her attention and keep up interest. Look at what your son needs to be studying and find an appropriate game or activity to teach while having fun. If he's looking at technical college, that sounds right up his alley -- hands-on. Also, look at Alpha and Omega's Switched-On Schoolhouse program. It is CD based and more engaging than the book form. They have all the electives and my kids seem to get their work done faster with it -- even my daughter. If he likes computers, he'll probably learn more in this fashion. It reinforces with games for practice. You might also consider backing off on regular gaming (limiting the time spent per day -- maybe 1/2 hour after school and chores are done) as this can add to the distractability level. Replace it with solid computer learning and maybe introduce learning Quicken or Quickbooks for keeping the books for a business -- www.aceministries.com offers online computer courses in a varity of different programs. Other companies might as well. You want to channel his computer talent into something that will edify him and work toward future career opportunities." -- Debi E.
"First -- I'd like to say how much love goes out to you, as you have taken on the hardest task of homeschooling -- pulling out a child in Jr. High. My heart and prayers and joy go out to you! On the 'behind' issue -- we found that the years where we took an unschooling break for various reasons were the years the boys tested the best. For 'testing' -- find out what Georgia tests on. In Oregon it is just English and math. They work on a daily grammar book and math each day as a discipine -- and we unschool/relax learn the rest. My son just picked up an 8th grade social studies book -- he was nervous, but then relieved when the answers came so easily. They had been a part of our family conversations! Joy. H ugs to you and your son." -- Angie in Oregon
"I could have written a similar question three years ago. My son was held back (mom's request -- twice) for behavior and study issues -- behaviors (triggered by stress and anxiety) lessened once he came home. I do like to see that you have tried ways to get him a little more self confident in his abilities. Trying to undo or lessen the impact of what has already been said/demonstrated to him is hard. Keep at it -- the rewards are great. When my son started homeschooling during 7th grade public school, his abililites were all over the place -- from 3rd to 8th. No miracle turn around since then, but he has made strong progress. He is now in the 9th-10th grade on most subjects. Texas doesn't have required testing for homeschoolers, but a copy of the past year's state test is available for download for anyone. We used that as a measuring tool, a start for the curriculum and a way to keep him familiar with what is 'expected' when testing for almost any job or school placement he may want later. We did have a 'this is high school now' talk. I had him outline his expectations and I outlined mine. Together we decided how much weight to give each subject. The daily schedule remains flexible -- some days are better than others. My son would not do well with a big push to learn what is needed, but he can take a few short pushes. I would start your son on the state requirements early and repeat often. I do know other kids who can absorb the information and process it quickly and they could probably wait until later to start 'studying for the test'. Enjoy the journey with your son!" -- Deborah
"Dear Debbie -- When I was reading your questions about your 14 year old son, I thought I was reading my thoughts. I too have a 14 year old son that is very smart, but lacks initiative. I took him out of private Christian school after 3rd grade, because he was struggling to keep up or just didn't find a purpose to their work. Homeschooling has been very difficult with us, because he doesn't want to do the work. We tried Switched on Schoolhouse, but he found it too boring. We tried My Father's World, which is a unit study; he liked it, but I have two other kids and one was a baby at the time, and without my direction they wouldn't work on school. Then we went back to Alpha Omega LifePacs and he blew them off as well.
This year I tried a different approach and it seems to be working for the most part. We picked things he is interested in -- like computer programming and gaming. He wants to go to Japan, so he is learning Japanese. He is listening to The Story of the World on audio book for History, because getting him to read is next to impossible. He is using Math U See for math. He picked weather to study for science and Language arts we are still trying to figure out, because so far he won't keep working on any of the books I pick. He says he knows all the grammar stuff and it is boring. I still struggle to get him to read, so I have resorted to bribery -- a dollar a book! My son would rather play video games all day, which could lead to a career too, I guess. Getting to highschool next year is scary, but I know with age comes maturity and he will finally see where God wants him in this world. I did have him take a standardized test last year -- because I thought he would know nothing -- and he did very well! That also gave us a clue to what he was missing. I am still struggling with this, but I felt I needed to tell you that you are not alone!" -- Wendy from Georgia
"My son is also ADHD. He has been on medication in the past. I talked to my son and included him in the planning of lessons -- how many pages in each subject, how many hours each day, the school hours were not until 10:30 am -- and he said when to stop. I laughed thinking I was just wasting my time, but BOY was I ever wrong! Alan loves to work on cars, lawnmowers, tractors -- and just about anything ouside -- so most of the time outside learning went on during the day and books at night. I would have worn out from sitting there, but Alan just loves his school schedule. He wants to work as a handyman, so he gets lots of learning from fixing things but he also knows he has to have a degree or no one is going to give him a chance. The plan for next year is to start taking classes at the college -- small motors to begin with. I tried to push him with my ideas, but it's not my education; it is his. The one thing Alan knows is that we always study the Bible first -- and he even has amazed me at that. His education is way more fun now, easier for him to remember, and the book work he does is sometimes over 100 pages every few days. Just thought this might help -- it worked for my son." -- Marie P.
Answer our NEW Question
[Answers to the new question will appear in our Monday, Jan. 31st issue.]
"Hello, all -- I am Garnetta. I am a widowed home schooling mother to one child, now 9. As I am the sole income in the household, I am finding it increasingly difficult to make ends meet while trying to home school and keep food on the table. We have had our utilities turned off, sacrificed and done without. I am blessed that my daughter is understanding. She often lets me know that she understands when she is not given the basics.
I feel as if I am drowning. I have had a small cleaning service (which has since become defunct) that provided a small amount of money. The drawback is that I had no childcare and often had to take her with me all hours of the day and evening when my workers would not show up. She was in her toddler years and the mere mention of it makes us both cringe. I have a computer/legal/IT background, but 9/11 has ceased my ability to find employment in my former profession. What advice would anyone recommend for creating income that would allow me to continue home schooling? I reside in the State of New York where there are no home schooling support systems. Parents are expected to provide out-of-pocket each and every expense, including textbooks and all related educational materials. Thank you so much for your advice. I welcome your input." -- Garnetta in NY
Would you like to offer encouragement and/or practical advice for Garnetta?
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