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Peril of Praise; Hilarious HS'ing Commercial!

By Heather Idoni

Added Thursday, November 18, 2010

Vol. 11 No. 69, November 18, 2010, ISSN: 1536-2035
© 2010, Heather Idoni - www.FamilyClassroom.net

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Notes from Heather
-- Power and Peril in Praise
Winning Website
-- Minnesota Zoo Games
From Our Readers
-- Commercial Contest
Reader Question
-- Gripping for Handwriting
Additional Notes
-- Newsletter Archives
-- Sponsorship Information
-- Reprint Information
-- Subscriber Information

Notes from Heather

The Power (and Peril) of Praising Your Kids

This is an interesting article -- and not just for parents of gifted kids, either!


-- Heather


Your feedback is always welcome! -- mailto:heather@familyclassroom.net


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Winning Website

Minnesota Zoo Online Games - http://www.mnzoo.org/education/education_games.asp

Minnesota Zoo online games are fun and educational ways to learn about the animal world!

From Our Readers

Hilarious HSLDA Commercial!

"My best friend's son (age 20) wrote the script, made the scenery, and produced this commercial for a competition through HSLDA (Homeschool Legal Defense Association). My best friend is 'Mother Goose'; she's been homeschooling for 20+ years.

I think HSLDA will be making the commericals available on their website so we can vote for our favorite (not sure if it will be all or if a narrowed down selection).

I think it is FANTASTIC!"

-- Di in NJ (via HomeschoolingBOYS.com)


Last Issue's Reader Question

Handwriting Postures

"Hi -- I was wondering if anyone has experience or knowledge in various handwriting postures. My fourth child holds his pencil with all four of his fingers together on one side and the tip down by his pinky. I thought I should break him of it at first, but I wondered if anyone knows anything about the differences and the pros/cons of them? Thanks." -- Anna

Our Readers' Responses

"Hi -- My son used to hold his pencil in a similar manner and seemed to really struggle when he wrote. We went to a stationery store and bought a pencil grip that was specially shaped to help him hold the pencil better." -- Connie


"My 5 year old held his pencil that same way. I tried to get him to hold it the right way, but he fought the change. I found the following link to be helpful:


I especially found useful the idea of using crayon stubs instead of big bulky pencils. Crayola now makes Crayola Pip-Squeaks Markers that my son really likes. Also having him hold half of a tissue with his pinky and ring finger and then hold the crayon stub normally helps. I was expecting to have to work with him for a month or so to break his habit, but he switched over after a week or so of practicing daily. I just had him trace a simple pre-writing worksheet each day." -- Sandy


"All 6 of my kids hold their pencils a little different, and they all do just fine. If you look at adults, many of them will have a different pencil/pen grip. I think it is fine." -- Megan


"My daughter did the SAME thing when she was younger. She is now 14 and holds her pencil the correct way. We did not do anything to correct it; she just naturally did it on her own. I wouldn't worry." -- Kaye


"Some people have really strong views on how to hold a pencil. However, I hold my pencil very differently from others and I never even knew it until I grew up and noticed my hold was different. My handwriting is very clear and I've never had problems. Unless your child seems to be having trouble with the grip, is holding it too hard, or is writing too hard, I wouldn't worry about it. If it does concern you or he's having trouble, there are grips you can put on his pencil that will help him put the 'correct' fingers in the 'correct' spots." -- Carla


"I feel it is important how one holds the pencil. We are working with the Dyslexia Learning program and they have a set holding style. Barton Learning system is where I learned how it important it was to have a good hold on the pencil for writing (thumb and index finger holding the pencil and it rests on third finger, rather than a bear hold or thumb over position). I think it was the free video about 'Who is Susan Barton' on her website that shared her reasons.

We did manuscript first and my son has struggled; we started cursive and he is coming along well. His work is neater, too. I thought it had to be manuscript first, then cursive, but I learned that those who struggle or those with dyslexia would benefit with cursive from the beginning. I was late to learn that." -- NB

Answer our NEW Question

"Hi -- I'm new to homeschooling and wondering if anyone knows of any free websites out there for introducing music theory?" -- Vicki


Do you have information for Vicki?
Please send your response by email to: hn-answers@familyclassroom.net

Ask YOUR Question

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Next - New Boys' Adventure Catalog, Music Theory Online, More!
Previous - Finding Time for the Fun Stuff

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