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The Only Homeschool Co-op Guide You'll Need!

By Heather Idoni

Added Monday, June 23, 2008

The Homeschooler's Notebook
Encouragement and Advice for Homeschool Families
Vol. 9 No 50 June 23, 2008
ISSN: 1536-2035
Copyright (c) 2008 - Heather Idoni, FamilyClassroom.net

Welcome to the Homeschooler's Notebook!
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Notes from Heather
-- Inspiring Homeschooling Books?
Helpful Tip
-- Make it a Game!
Resource Review
-- The "Only" Homeschool Co-op Guide
Reader Question
-- Homeschooling the Cousins
Additional Notes
-- Searchable Archive
-- Our Email Group
-- Sponsorship Information
-- Reprint Information
-- Subscriber Information

Notes from Heather

Summer Reading for Inspiration?


I'd like to take some time this summer to read a good, inspiring
homeschooling book. I'm not sure if anything 'great' has been
written lately, but I'd love to hear from other parents about
books that have inspired them over the years!

What have you read that you'd like to recommend?

On my shelf to read currently is "The Imperfect Homeschooler's
Guide to Homeschooling" by Barbara Frank. I can't wait to
actually get time to READ and ENJOY it!

I love to feature Barb's articles in the Notebook, too. Here is
a fun one I just read called "Living with Homeschool-Induced ADD".


Another favorite author/contributor of mine is Karen Lange.
Don't miss Cindy's review of Karen's new book on starting a home-
school co-op in our "Resource Review" spot this issue!

Send me your input on good books and I'll share the list with
everyone soon. :-)

-- Heather


Send your emails to: heather@familyclassroom.net



Helpful Tip

Make it a Game!

"Whenever I ask my daughters to clean their room it turns into
an hour or longer process of them talking and very slowly cleaning
up. I realized that working together in this way, they were
distracting each other from getting the job done in a timely
fashion, so I turned it into a game. I called them downstairs
and told them they were going to have a race. They each had to
go upstairs alone and clean as much of the room as they could in
5 minutes. After the first person was done she had to run back
downstairs and tag the next sister -- and then she had 5 minutes
and so on until the room was cleaned.

My three daughters thought that was the best idea and they had so
much fun cheering for one another. They had that room cleaned in
fifteen minutes. The point of the lesson was that it really doesn't
take hours to clean your room if you just go on and do it."

-- Phyllis in Michigan


Do you have an idea, experience, or tip to share? Please write!
Send to: HN-ideas@familyclassroom.net

Resource Review

"The Only Homeschool Co-op Booklet You Need to Start Your
Very Own Best Co-op Ever!"

Author: Karen Lange

For more information or to order:


This little booklet with a big title is packed with information
and advice for those considering joining or starting a learning
co-op. Author and former homeschool mom, Karen Lange, begins by
explaining what a co-op is and briefly explores the reasons why
a family might consider getting together with other families for
cooperative learning. She goes on to cover the many things that
need to be considered before jumping in to a new or existing co-op.

While not an exhaustive resource, this 34-page booklet covers the
important topics and, using examples from her own experience,
helps the reader know what to look for and/or consider in order to
avoid potential pitfalls. The first half of the booklet covers
the nuts and bolts of co-op organization and management; the
second half is filled with ideas for classes, field trips,
resource list, and more.

Whether you're just curious about what co-oping is all about or
are considering getting together with a few other families to
learn together, Karen's affordable booklet can help you weigh the
pros and cons to make the best decision for your homeschool.


Reviewed by Cindy Prechtel, www.HomeschoolingFromTheHeart.com

Last Issue's Reader Question

"I am considering home educating my two nephews next year. The
two boy cousins are 11 and 8, the same ages and approximately the
same grade levels as my daughters. They have been home educated
their whole lives. I am interested in finding out what experiences
others have had in integrating cousins/other children in their home
education style/life. All four of the cousins get along well and
there is good communication/friendship between both sets of parents.
What factors should I be considering? What experiences have others
had? Thanks in advance." -- Nancy in South Dakota

Our Readers' Responses

Editor's Note:

We didn't receive any replies from readers with direct experience
in homeschooling relatives, but I am actually finding myself in
this situation personally! My sister has never homeschooled her
children, but she has asked for my help in homeschooling her
daughter since I will be having some responsibility for her care
until she is 18. She is 12 presently and very excited about home-
schooling. I'll have her with me a few days a week, so we will
'school' at that time.

Because she is accustomed to more structure, I'm foreseeing this
as my biggest challenge. I'm going to work with her interests,
but also try to teach her to be more independent.

Some things for *you* to keep in mind would be to not be SO
focused on doing such a perfect job with your nephews that your
own daughters feel left out or neglected. (I can see that being
a potential problem in my personal situation.) The fact that
your nephews have been homeschooling right along should be a big

It appears there is nothing in South Dakota 'alternative education'
law to preclude you from overseeing your nephews' education, but
watch out for the 22 student limit! ;-)

If it were ME, and this is just my personal opinion, I would keep
their parents VERY involved in the decision-making as far as their
boys' education is concerned. I would serve as a resource person
and tutor while allowing the parents to still function as over-
seeing teacher and/or administrator. They should have full
knowledge of curriculum and academic progress, etc. If they have
been members of HSLDA in the past, I would consult with HSLDA
about the present situation in order to continue membership.

Whatever the case, allow yourself time to enjoy all the children
and make the most of your time together. Don't get overwhelmed
with academic expectations! Enjoy fieldtrips and try to do group
activities like unit studies wherever you find overlap in their
individual interests. Try to keep the parents involved in all
that you do so they are still at the helm of the ship.

And pray, pray, pray!! Boys are VERY different from girls.
Join www.HomeschoolingBOYS.com and gain encouragement from the
email support group. You will be glad you did!

-- Heather

For more reading on this topic:



Answer our NEW Question

"I was recently at the beach this past week and I went into
several of the old and used bookstores, having just read about
how libraries toss books away, and I thought 'I have no idea
what I am looking for!'

So my question is -- how do all of you know which books to look
for, which to buy, what author, what category -- basically, how
do I get started in collecting?

My girls and I read a lot, so I have some that we have purchased
from our packaged curriculum, but as for stores and sales I am
a bit lost. Thanks!" -- Michelle L. in Oregon


Do you have practical advice and/or direction for Michelle?

Please send your answer to: HN-answers@familyclassroom.net

Ask YOUR Question

Do you have a question you would like our readers to answer?

Send it to HN-questions@familyclassroom.net and we'll see
if we can help you out in a future issue!

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by typing in a box. When you get there, just introduce yourself
and let them know that Heather sent you!

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there to serve and share their wisdom... or just offer a listening
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[Note: This ministry is especially for Christian parents, but
all are welcome. Email Luanne@educationforthesoul.com if you
have any technical difficulties.]

Our Searchable Newsletter Archive

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Interactive Email Group

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questions may be reprinted. All letters become the property of
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Next - Readers Share Most Inspiring Homeschooling Books
Previous - 'Plans' for the Graduate, Wiggly Boys, The Empty Schoolroom

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