What do YOU Say to 'Those' Questions? (Part 1)
By Heather Idoni
Added Monday, March 05, 2007
The Homeschooler's Notebook
Encouragement and Advice for Homeschool Families
Vol. 8 No 18 March 5, 2007
ISSN: 1536-2035
Copyright (c) 2007 - Heather Idoni, FamilyClassroom.net
Welcome to the Homeschooler's Notebook!
If you like this newsletter, please recommend it to a friend!
Notes from Heather
-- Quick Come-backs
Helpful Tips
-- Reader Tips Needed!
Resource Review
-- PER at Home-School-Inc.com
Reader Question
-- Starting a 'Cover' School
Additional Notes
-- Searchable Archive
-- Our Email Group
-- Sponsorship Information
-- Reprint Information
-- Subscriber Information
Notes from Heather
Quick Come-backs from Readers
Last issue I invited our readers to send in their 'come-backs' to
those pesky derogatory comments and questions we all seem
to encounter at some point in our homeschooling journeys.
Here are the ones I've received so far!
"When garage saling, one fine spring day with my girls, I was
asked why they were not in school. I replied that we homeschool
and it's parent-teacher conference day. Seriously, I've had many
opportunities to talk about homeschooling and the best way to
keep oneself on the offensive is to be agreeable and objective. I
willingly talk of the pros and cons and am considerate of the
conflicting issues. I try to stick to what we do and why and speak
positively of all that is available to homeschoolers and am very
careful to keep myself from sounding defensive or proud. After all,
it's not about homeschooling, it's about God and His will. I know
of many fine public schooled children and many not-so-fine
homeschooled children. We all are a work in progress." -- M.J.C.
"To a public school teacher who was screaming at me in a grocery
line 'Well, I'll tell you what. You go tell your concerns to God, and
if you can get Him to change His mind, you have Him let me know.'
'If someone is going to screw up my kids, don't you think it really
ought to be me?'
'God gave my kids to ME - not to the El Paso Independent school
If you are diligent to pray, and you know that God wants you to
homeschool, then no matter how inept you are, or how uneducated
or how totally unequipped, you cannot fail. Your kids will learn
exactly what He wants them to - and that may not be what the world
wants them to learn, but it will fulfill His purpose in their lives."
"The biggie question is: 'Won’t it hurt them socially?'
A: 'It hasn’t hurt me at all.'
Usually the person asking the question is way more worried about
their own social skills than I am about mine! If they do not know my
background, I proceed to explain that I was home schooled all the
way through and have always had lots of friends and have no trouble
relating to people in any realm of life. I am a successful nurse and
have more friends at church and other places than I can keep up
with. Also I have no enemies that I know of. Since the people who
ask these types of questions are usually somewhat of a friend of
mine, they are shut up right away because they know by my life that
I have no social problems! This is not boasting, it is just the simple
" 'What about socialization?'
'Who would you rather have socialize your kids? You, or 30 other
6-year-olds?' " -- Martha R.
"My son was asked if had ever seen cocaine. When he replied 'no'
the boy said, 'well that is what is wrong with being home schooled'.
I think that is what is right about home schooling."
"I don't remember where I heard this one but I love it!!!
It was election day and the homeschool mom went to the local
voting place to cast her ballot. A very persnickety former school
teacher turned volunteer poll worker inquired as to the children's
studies on the election, etc.
'Did your teacher tell you about elections and voting today in school?'
she asked. 'No Ma'am', replied the children, 'We're homeschooled;
we actually get to come along to see the voting'."
"The best response to the socialization question is one I saw on
a t-shirt. It showed a pregnant teen, a boy smoking a cigarette,
another child smoking marijuana and another one obviously drunk.
The caption read, 'Now what’s that you said about socialization?' "
"The typical question: 'What about socialization?'
Our typical answer: 'Oh, yes... that's a big reason WHY we're
Results from that vary... the brighter people 'get it' after a moment
or two of consideration. Some people will never 'get it', so there's
no point going much further discussing homeschooling with them!"
-- Lisa in Pennsylvania
"My favorite answer to the tiresome 'But what about Socialization'
question is, 'But why would I want them to be socialists?' " -- Lisa S.
Do you have more of these to share with our readers? Please do!
Send your emails to: heather@familyclassroom.net
Helpful Tip
Attention Readers: Send in your tips!! I know you have great tips
to share!! :-)
Please write!
Send your emails to: HN-ideas@familyclassroom.net
Resource Review
Today's review is by Jodi W. at www.HomeGrownHearts.com who
is sitting in for Cindy. Thanks, Jodi! :-)
PER (Plan/Educate/Record) at Home-School-Inc.com
"I've previously used software to track our lesson plans and record
completed work. This worked well, except that I could only access
it from the computer it was installed on and I often work on this from
other locations (laptop, etc.).
A friend pointed me to http://home-school-inc.com and it turned out
to be just the thing for me. Everything is stored online (although you
can always print out reports) and once you get familiar with it, the
interface is fairly easy.
You can record grades or just that an item is completed, set up
templates for recurring assignments and several other options. Also,
you can set up logins for your students so they can log in to see
their assignments for the day and even for other adults to see
(spouse, grandma, whoever you like!).
Everything is password protected for privacy and can be accessed
from any computer connected to the Internet.
I've found this to be a great alternative to software and there is
nothing to install on your computer. There are video demos to explain
how to use it, too.
And best of all... it is entirely FREE! :-)
Last Issue's Reader Question
"After 5 years of homeschooling under a large cover school (250
families), another homeschooling mom from my church and I have
decided to start our own cover school through our church. Our
church is very excited about this possiblity as are we. I am seeking
any advice from others who may have tackled this task and would
like any tips/pointers. What would you do differently? What would
you do the same?" -- Catherine in Alabama
Our Readers' Responses
So far I haven't received any responses for Catherine, but if you
have experience with setting up a 'cover' school, feel free to still
send your email. I will forward your reply to her. I'm sure help is
out there, Catherine!
Send your email to: HN-answers@familyclassroom.net
Answer our NEW Question
"How do you handle the senior who is trying to be independent
and yet you want her a part of your family unit? I do not seem to
'let go' all that easily. Sometimes I want to start over and let time
stand still. Any suggestions?" -- Gina in Texas
Have you been through the same thing? Do you have help for Gina?
Please send your email to: HN-answers@familyclassroom.net
Do you have a question you would like our readers to answer?
Send it to HN-questions@familyclassroom.net and we'll see
if we can help you out in a future issue!
Our Searchable Newsletter Archive
Access the Homeschool Notebook issues you have missed...
or search on a specific word or phrase in issues all the way
back to January 2001! Just go to this link:
Interactive Email Group
In an effort to help our readers become more of an interactive
community, we have set up an email loop at YahooGroups called
Here is the link to sign-up!
There are opportunities for you to be a sponsor of this
newsletter. If you are interested, drop an e-mail to
marketing@stretcher.com with "Homeschoolers-Notebook"
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All contributed articles are printed with the author's prior
consent. It is assumed that any questions, tips or replies to
questions may be reprinted. All letters become the property of
the "Homeschooler's Notebook". [Occasionally your contribution
may have to be edited for space.]
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Tags: homeschool socialization question, homeschooling questions, derogatory comments, homeschool apologetics, what about socialization, home school answers, home education tips, encouragement, online homeschool support, advice, Christian homeschooling, tips